The journey there was uneventful and there were plenty of other birders around who told me that the bird was still there and I was soon watching the absolutely cracking tern flying around, often quite close to the causeway. I did contemplate digiscoping it though there are railings all the way along the causeway which are too high to digiscope comfortably over so I didn't try in the end. To compensate I found some great photos by Andrew Moon on Bird Guides which he said I could use.
The next day the weather was overcast and gloomy with a wind from the South East, classic black tern weather and it wasn't long before I got a call from my fellow county year lister who was at Farmoor reservoir saying that he was getting some "hot tern action" (a phrase I'd coined a few weeks earlier whilst lamenting a lack of terns). I raced down there and was able to walk just a few yards from the car park up on to the east side of Farmoor II where I could scan across the reservoir. There were quite a number of Common Terns about but I eventually picked up a couple of the "dusky beauties" (as he'd called them). They're always wonderful birds to see though they were not going to be realistic digiscoping targets.
I was back at home congratulating myself on a quick and efficient county twitch when a few hours later I got a call saying that there were now two knot on the causeway at Farmoor, one in summer plumage. I decided to take L with me as he quite likes going to Farmoor to see the boats. We headed off and he soon fell asleep. At the car park I gave a quick call to the resident Farmoor bird gurus who informed me that the birds had moved around to the south west corner of Farmoor II so I drove round to Whitely Farm and leaving a sleeping L in the car, ascended the bank to find the birds not 50 yards away from me. The light was abysmal but I got some digiscoped record shots. I had a quick chat with some of the birders there and then headed back, feeling rather tired from all this travelling now. Just as I pulled up back home L woke up and said "come on daddy, let's go to the boats". He thought that we hadn't left yet and was rather puzzled that we weren't now going!
Early in the evening on the same day I got a call to say that now there was a grey plover on the causeway but I was just too tired to chase after it. I later heard that my fellow listers had ended up following it from Farmoor to Otmoor in order to secure the tick. Another confirmation that I am just not obsessed enough to be a true county lister!
Despite the rapidly shrinking floods I had been persevering with Port Meadow, my local patch. It was rather heartbreaking to see it in its current state, compared to it's glory days last year when the flood waters never left. Still, the previous day there'd been a redshank and some ringed plover as reward for my continued efforts. On Friday morning after some overnight rain I went down there as usual to find four ringed plover and a common sandpiper. I was just making a quick scan of the fields to the north of the floods when I spotted a distant white bird. Thinking that it was a little egret I got my scope on to it whereupon I immediately realised that it was a spoonbill. It was located close to the large mound due north of the Burgess Field gate and it's large flat spoon-shaped bill was clearly visible with yellow markings on the end. The head had some ragged feathers around it which were probably it's breeding plumage "mane". I immediately put the camera on the scope and was zooming in in order to take a photo when the bird took off. It flew to my right (i.e. to the east) where it was at once lost to sight behind the trees that run along the Burgess Field ditch. Spoonbills are county megas with the last one apparently having been seen about ten years ago. Despite an extensive run all over the Meadow later that lunch-time and searching all likely ditches there was no sign of it. Others searched nearby Otmoor again with no luck.
My lists are moving along nicely and I have now nearly already reached my 2008 Oxon year total of 166. On the national list I am now just 5 ticks short of the 200 mark so there's a good chance that I might break my total from last year of 222. Spoonbill is not a national year tick for me as I saw one in Devon earlier in the year.
County Year List 2009
160 black tern 13/05/2009 Farmoor Reservoir
161 knot 13/05/2009 Farmoor Reservoir
162 spoonbill 15/05/2009 Port Meadow (OXON LIFER)
National (Including Ireland) Year List 2009
193 white-winged black tern 12/05/2009 Staines Reservoir (LIFER)
194 black tern 13/05/2009 Farmoor Reservoir
195 knot 13/05/2009 Farmoor Reservoir