I was very keen to see the Bonapare's Gull at Farmoor but wasn't able to get up there for the evening roost for several evenings after we got back. Each evening when it was reported as being present was both encouraging (there was still a chance to see it) and frustrating (had I been up there I would have seen it!). In the mean time though I did manage a lunch-time trip to Aston Rowant to look for the ring ouzel. I dragged L (my increasingly reluctant nearly 3-year old son) along with me and I scoured the hillside carefully for some period of time but with no luck at all. I was heading back up the hill towards the car when I saw a fellow birder arrive. He had just starting looking and immediately beckoned me to come over. He'd manage to find a male ring ouzel almost immediately: it was well hidden which explained why I missed it and I was most appreciative of the lucky conincidence of the arrival of this fellow birder just at that moment. I tried some digiscoping and the shots weren't too bad given the distance involved. The bird was quite content to be out in the open rather than the usual skulking behaviour that this species generally adopts. A great bird to see and a county lifer for me.
Two day's later, with my VLW (very lovely wife) and our two daughters out on a day trip, I was left with L. I felt that I'd dragged him around enough birding locations for a while and that we should do something that might interest him so we'd spent the afternoon at Didcot Railway Museum which he thoroughly enjoyed. Having earned some brownie points with him and with the female members of the family not yet returned, I decided to take him up for an evening stroll around Farmoor after dinner. There I met up with quite a number of birders who were all after the Bonaparte's Gull so it was quite a social occasion. L was happy to run around and amuse himself whilst we all scanned the gull flock. Fortunately the bird turned up at a reasonable hour and we all got good views of it. I was surprised at how recognisably different it looked from the surrounding black-headed gulls: noticably smaller and more dainty with a dark thinner bill and a mantle which was several shades darker than the black-headeds. There were also two terns present: a common and an arctic which were hunting together over the water so one could compare the two in flight.
The next day I was on the Meadow as usual when I spotted an unusal godwit in amongst four black-tailed godwits. It took a while before it flew but once it did I was able to confirm it as a bar-tailed godwit. The back markings were unusually blackwit-like for a barwit and a Hants. birder has subsequently identified the bird as a Siberian sub-species which could explain its unusual appearance.
I'd tried and failed a few times to see the garganey at Otmoor but a pair of drakes had been at Radley for a few days so the following day I took L down there for a brief lunch-time visit. He was happy because the train track ran right by the pools so he watched them whilst I looked for the garganey. Fortunately it was fairly easy to find and I took a digiscoped record shot though the light was appalling and it was rather far away.
Later that same day I was going for a run around Port Meadow when I found a whimbrel resting on the floods. There'd been a few going through Oxon in recent days but I was pleased to have seen this one they are often just quick fly-overs which one can easily miss. The bird was a bit flighty but did stay overnight and I saw it asleep the next morning on the floods.
When a black-necked grebe sighting came in on Bird Guides at Dix Pit I took L over there to see if I could find it. He likes Dix Pit as he can look at the trucks and diggers (he knows Dix pit as "Trucks and Diggers") as they go by whilst I scan the pit. Despite a thorough scan from the recycling area car park for quite some time (long enough for L to get bored) I couldn't find the bird at all. I did manage to find the pair of scaup which were still about. Finally I gave up and started to drive off but at the last minute decided on a quick scan from the northern layby. Low and behold there it was, quite close in but it would have been completely hidden behind the island from the end that I'd been at. As time was marching on I only managed a rather poor videograb of the bird.
At the weekend I was at home just about to take L out for an evening walk on Port Meadow when a text came through from Bird Guides reporting a little tern which had been seen earlier in the afternoon but which had flown off some time earlier. Cursing my luck for having missed such a good bird I nevertheless continued with my preparations and L and I arrived for our evening constitutional. Even as we approached the floods I could see some terns actively hunting insects around the floods and it looked like there was a smaller tern in amongst them. I soon manage to confirm that it was indeed the little tern which had returned and spent a wonderful hour watching this beautiful little bird hunting back and forth over the floods. I even managed a few seconds worth of digiscoped video shots.
A few seconds of digiscoped video of the little tern. To view in high-quality mode (recommended) click here and click on "HQ" at the bottom right-hand corner of the video screen.
To round things off, today on a run around Burgess Field I came across a cracking male whinchat sitting on a mound of earth. An absolutely immaculately plumaged and very pretty bird indeed.
A most productive couple of weeks with several county lifers for me and a couple of nation lifers in the form of the Bonaparte's Gull and the little tern. Both the county and year lists are ticking along nicely at present.
County Year List 2009
130 willow warbler 12/04/2009 Burgess Field NR
131 grasshopper warbler 12/04/2009 Burgess Field NR
132 ring ouzel 13/04/2009 Aston Rowant (Ox Lifer)
133 yellow wagtail 15/04/2009 Port Meadow
134 common tern 15/04/2009 Farmoor Reservoir
135 arctic tern 15/04/2009 Farmoor Reservoir
136 Bonaparte's Gull 15/04/2009 Farmoor Reservoir (Ox Lifer)
137 bar-tailed godwit 16/04/2009 Port Meadow (Ox Lifer)
138 sedge warbler 17/04/2009 Port Meadow
139 garganey 17/04/2009 Radley GPs
140 whimbrel 17/04/2009 Port Meadow
141 black-necked grebe 18/04/2009 Dix Pit (Ox Lifer)
142 cetti's warbler 19/04/2009 Burgess Field NR
143 whitethroat 21/04/2009 Otmoor
144 lesser whitethroat 21/04/2009 Otmoor
145 hobby 22/04/2009 Otmoor
146 greenshank 23/04/2009 Port Meadow
147 swift 24/04/2009 Kingston Road
148 cuckoo 25/04/2009 Farmoor Reservoir
149 little tern 25/04/2009 Port Meadow (Ox Lifer)
150 garden warbler 28/04/2009 Burgess Field NR
151 whinchat 28/04/2009 Burgess Field NR
National Year List 2009
165 willow warbler 12/04/2009 Burgess Field NR
166 grasshopper warbler 12/04/2009 Burgess Field NR
167 ring ouzel 13/04/2009 Aston Rowant
168 yellow wagtail 15/04/2009 Port Meadow
169 common tern 15/04/2009 Farmoor Reservoir
170 arctic tern 15/04/2009 Farmoor Reservoir
171 Bonaparte's Gull 15/04/2009 Farmoor Reservoir (Lifer)
172 bar-tailed godwit 16/04/2009 Port Meadow
173 sedge warbler 17/04/2009 Port Meadow
174 garganey 17/04/2009 Radley GPs
175 whimbrel 17/04/2009 Port Meadow
176 black-necked grebe 18/04/2009 Dix Pit
177 cetti's warbler 19/04/2009 Burgess Field NR
178 whitethroat 21/04/2009 Otmoor
179 lesser whitethroat 21/04/2009 Otmoor
180 hobby 22/04/2009 Otmoor
181 greenshank 23/04/2009 Port Meadow
182 swift 24/04/2009 Kingston Road
183 cuckoo 25/04/2009 Farmoor Reservoir
184 little tern 25/04/2009 Port Meadow (Lifer)
185 garden warbler 28/04/2009 Burgess Field NR
186 whinchat 28/04/2009 Burgess Field NR
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